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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Onfolio and Bloglines using both together on different computers

I have been using Bloglines for awhile now and I have a large blog roll that I read through a few times a day. I also have the Blogroll on this blog. The good thing about Bloglines is that it is browser based, so I don't need to install any additional applications. This comes in handy for when you have to deal with a locked down computer at your office that blocks you from installing additional applications.

Then along comes Onfolio. I installed it and started using it at home on my notebook computer. It is a full application that you install so this was an issue on the work PC. An advantage of Onfolio is that you can publish to a Blogger blog. With Bloglines, I can blog items for a link blog, but it has to be a Bloglines blog. Although I have a bloglines blog, it is not my main blog and I don't use it as much as Blogger.

So, how does one get these two applications to work together to handle feed reading on two different computers? Here is what I came up with.

I added my Bloglines blog as a feed in Onfolio. During the work day, when I am reading feeds on Bloglines and I see an item I want to Blog about on my Blogger blog, I do a quick link only blog post with my Bloglines blog.

Later, when on my personal notebook computer, I can read this feed in Onfolio. I then add the post from the Bloglines feed, into an Onfolio collection which is set to post to my Blogger blog. I can then add some commentary with Onfolio and get a post into my Blogger blogs.

It works! Somewhat of a work around, but I was able to get this kicked off by using the Onfolio Bloglines synch application.


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