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Saturday, November 15, 2003

AT&T GPRS Connection

I haven't moved my location, still @ Border's but I changed to the cell phone connection to try to make a post remotely over this connection. An interesting point about the Wi-Fi connection vs. the GPRS is that Wi-Fi I pay by the minute of use and GPRS is by the Mbytes of data. So with wi-Fi, I want to get on and off fast but while on I can turn on images and let pictures come through. when on GPRS, I can slow down and take my time but I want to change my settings to not show images. Of course, I could get an unlimited use monthly Wi-Fi but I don't use it enough for that. And right now I pay ATT for more data than I use so I am trying to use it up and get my money's worth each month. That's enough for now.


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